Friday, February 4, 2011

What should I do???

How can I tell you how much I love you? I wanna tell you everything from my heart but I am afraid that you might not listen to me anymore. I wanna say these words again but I am afraid that you might ignore it. What should I do? I can't get you out from my head. No matter what I do, you only see me as your brother. It hurts me, killing me slowly like a poison. I dont know what to, I want to explode, I want you to know everything about me. But how can I do? Will you listen to me again? Will you give me a time to tell you everything my heart wants to tell to you? I know that I am pretty fast at these but, I can still wait for a month? or probably a year? or 3 years? I will wait... I really want you to know what is in my heart, what it want to say.